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Joseph Gregor



, Czernowitz, Ucraina / , Vienna, Austria


citato da Gara (pag.414) come storico, esegeta del teatro classico, e regista di singolari risorse; autore tra l'altro, di uno Shakespeare der Aufbau eines Zeitalters.

<storico dello spettacolo e scrittore austriaco (Czernowitz 1888-1960). Direttore, dal 1922, della sezione teatrale della Biblioteca nazionale di Vienna e insegnante di storia del teatro in quell'università, svolse un'opera di divulgazione culturale continua e feconda tramite conferenze, mostre e pregevoli monografie su cinema, opera e balletto. Fu autore drammatico, rielaborò testi classici e scrisse vari libretti d'opera (Daphne, 1938, per R. Strauss). Di particolare interesse la sua Weltgeschichte des Theaters (1933 e 1944; Storia universale del teatro).>
fonte: sapere.it

Joseph Gregor (* 26 October 1888 Czernowitz – 12 October 1960 Vienna) was an Austrian writer, theatre historian and librettist.JJoseph Gregor was born in Czernowitz. He studied musicology and philosophy at Vienna University, graduating in 1911. He worked under Max Reinhardt as assistant director and from 1912-14 as a lecturer in music at the Franz-Josephs-University of Chernivtsi. He was employed at the Austrian National Library in Vienna in 1918. There he founded the Theatre Collection in 1922, in which he included film after 1929. He also taught from 1932–38 and 1943-45 at the Max-Reinhardt-Seminar.[1] In 1953 he retired from the service of the National Library.
Gregor became controversial because of his role in the era of National Socialism. He not only implemented the "gift" of parts of the autograph collection of Stefan Zweig in 1937,[2] but also the acquisition of the theater collection of Helene Richter (1861-1942) for the Austrian National Library.[3] In 1940 he played a decisive role in the theft of the library of Heinrich Schnitzler,[4] with whom he was once friends.
His grave is located in the columbarium of the Feuerhalle, Simmering (Vienna). His son Čestmír Gregor became a noted composer.


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