Ljubomir Pipcov
, Loveč, Bulgaria / , Sofia, Bulgaria
Lyubomir Pipkov was a author of vocal and instrumental music; was born in Lovech on the 19th September 1904, the same year of the composers Antill, Brehme, Buenaventura, Burian, Chisholm, Dallapiccola, Dvarionas, Hertog, Kabalevsky, Kalnins, Kassern, Khodzha-Einatov, Krejcí, La Rosa Parodi, Leoz, Meester, Mohaupt, Mshvelidze, Petrassi, Rey, Rosenthal, Schaefer. Theodor, Schroeder, Takagi, Tarnov. Died in Sofia on the 9th May 1974
fonte: italianopera.org