Ioan Spirescu è fotografo attivo a Bucarest tra il 1882 e il 1922. Impara la tecnica fotografica nello studio del padre Mihail, anch'egli fotografo, che lo manda poi a Parigi per fare esperienza. Al suo ritorno diviene assistente di Marie Szöllösy, di cui rileva lo studio nel 1892. L'anno successivo ricevette un premio all'Esposizione internazionale di fotografia di Ginevra. Nel 1889 è premiato all'Esposizione universale di Parigi. Nel 1896 con i fotografi Franz Mandy, Gustav Waber
e Franz Duschek Jr. documenta la visita dell'imperatore Francesco Giuseppe in Romania e viene nominato Fotografo della Corte Reale da Re Carol I
Indirizzo: Bucarest
Ioan Spirescu, photographer active in Bucharest between 1882 and 1922.
He learned photography in his father’s studio and was afterwards sent to Paris to
earn more experience. After his return he assisted Marie Szöllösy in her studio. He
bought that studio in 1892. The following year he received a prize at the Geneva
International Exhibition of Photography. He was already a well-known and
successful photographer. At the 1889 Paris Exposition Universelle he was awarded
a medal for his Curtea de Argeş Album. When Emperor Franz Joseph I visited
Romania in 1896, Spirescu, along with his colleagues Franz Mandy, Gustav Waber
and Franz Duschek Jr. took pictures of the events (Fig. 63). He was rewarded with
the much cherished title of Royal Court Photographer by King Carol I
Mihail Spirescu, photographer active between 1865 and 1888 in Galaţi. He
was the father of the much more renowned photographer Ioan Spirescu from Bucharest.
He was awarded two gold medals for his works displayed at the 1880 Expositiunea
de Arte şi Industrii Române (The Romanian Exhibition of Arts and Industries) and
that of Societatea Concordia Română (The Romanian Concord Society). He was also
honoured with the title of Romanian Royal Court Photographer on 8 April 1880.
fonte: Muzeul-national-XX-2008-04-Adrian-Silvan-Ionescu /PHOTOGRAPHERS IN ROMANIA 1840-1940