Contenuto / Corrispondenza

Lettera di Tito II Ricordi a Giacomo Puccini

  • Archivio Storico Ricordi
  • CLET001763
  • Corrispondenza
  • Copialettere
  • italiano






Dear Giacomo,

   I'm enclosing an article from the Unione of Macerata on the premiere of the Fanciulla del West in Senigallia. You'll certainly laugh at how the critic, inept at judging the opera on its merits, manages to save himself wonderfully [by dancing around it] on the tips of his toes. What is certain, as my own sources confirm, is that it was an excellent success and that the absolute standout was Piccioli as Minnie, who would appear to be a first-rate Fanciulla.

   I hope to receive your latest news.


yours warmly

Tito Ricordi


