Contenuto / Corrispondenza
Lettera di Tito II Ricordi a Giacomo Puccini
Ricordi Tito II (mittente)
Puccini Giacomo (destinatario)
Petrella Oliva (soggetto menzionato)
Laganà Augusto (soggetto menzionato)
Leonardi Salvatore (soggetto menzionato)
6 August 1912
Dear Giacomo,
"Fanciulla" was a splendid success in Senigallia, as the Management has informed us by wire — I'm waiting for the newspaper reviews and I'll send them to you.
In Venice and Naples they don't want to hear any discussion of Petrella — here is a copy of a letter about it from Laganà; should the need arise, you can show it to Leonardi.
What was your impression of "Parsifal"? And what did you think of the performance?
Keep healthy, enjoy yourself, and believe me always
yours warmly
Tito Ricordi
Maestro Giacomo Puccini
Haus Osborne